When: Thursday, February 21st
Location: The Monona Terrace, Madison
"Day Dream Realities x PechaKucha"
Our daydreams are the thoughts and ideas that let our creativity flow while inspiring us to do, change, and create. A few of those unencumbered day dreams have turned into reality. See a showcase of how some local professionals first dreamed “it” and then did “it.”
Presentation Topics
Rick Brooks
Little Free Library: How A Small Box of Books Becomes A BIG Idea
Nilesh Patel
Indiana Jonesing It For 8 Days In Costa Rica While Knowing Only Three Things In Spanish
Scott Savage
The Journey From The Land Of Suffering To Shangri-La: Building A Life Like Pooh
Andy Wallman - Accompanied by Dave Adler of The Gomers
Makers & Takers & Duke & Zombies: The Musical
Jenna Weber
Connect Madison
Amanda Wilson
Deerfoot Lodge & Resort - The One That Didn't Get Away
Matt Younkel
Life On A Boat