There is an entire world outside of the typical 9-5 job that can foster creativity and innovation. Join us to hear interesting stories from people doing new and exciting things in the city and in their own lives as they showcase their talents beyond the office.
Presentation Title
Rachel Neill, Megan Orear, Leah Anderson
Nordic, 100state, Wollersheim Winery
1 Million Cups Madison
Sean Spindler
Yahara Software
Pinball - The Great Resurgence
Marcy Holtz, Lisa DuChateau
Kunkel & Associates, Middleton Chamber
Life on the Water
Jennifer Uphoff Gray
Forward Theater Company
Forward Theater Company - Beyond the Stage
Heather Wentler
Fractal and Doyenne Group
It Takes a Community
Marie Puissant
WPS Health Insurance
When I Grow Up...
Jill Gunnufson
Oak Bank
Not My Day Job
Forrest Woolworth
PerBlue and Capital Entrepreneurs
Building an Ecosystem